April 25, 2019 | Author: Neal Greenberg
Copyright 2019 Neal Greenberg
180 scientists got together and talked about why cancer comes back, and how to treat it, and the benefits of herbal derivatives. Why does it come roaring back so often? Because there are so many different types of cells, that there’s always a few survivors. The ones that survive are the most fit to survive, and they come roaring back with great power. What if instead of treating cancer one way only, you treated it many different ways in a “broad spectrum” approach. Using herbs and vegetables,you can do this, since you attack cancer cells in many different ways without the deadly side effects from conventional chemoand immune-therapies, radiation and surgery. I personally don’t believe in single compounds, but I took their data, and show which foods are good for cancer. Their paper was organized around the “11 Hallmarks of Cancer”. Here’s my spreadsheet. As you can see, mushrooms, soy, green tea, a wide array of vegetables are incredibly protective. A wide array of herbs and vegetables can dramatically make our bodies cancer hostile as you can see. In addition, low iron reduced cancer, and a vegan diet,as well as avoiding cigarettes can result in reduced iron levels. A plant-based diet will lower methionine and branch chain amino acids levels which are connected with cancer.
Source: “A broad-spectrum integrative design for cancer prevention and therapy: The challenge ahead” 2015. Bishayee, Block.
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