BC-046 Debbie Nicholson, from BeatCancer.Org interviews Shannon Sayers, Holistic Cancer Coach
2019-02-25 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgDebbie (Melamed) Nicholson, from BeatCancer.Org interviews Shannon Sayers, Holistic Cancer Coach, and Nicole Daruda founder of HealingBreastImplantIllness.com and the largest FaceBook Support Group of its kind on how breast implants of all kinds cause cancer, according to the…
Read MoreBC-045 How Leslie Nance went from fearful cancer victim to Cancer Boss and Successful Holistic Cancer Coach
2019-01-28 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgHow Leslie Nance went from fearful cancer victim to Cancer Boss and Successful Holistic Cancer Coach Join us while Debra Melamed interviews Leslie about her incredible journey. How mindset makes all the difference: 3:01-3:35 What if we could…
Read MoreBC-044 Mammograms may do more harm than good according to leading experts
2019-01-07 | Author: Debra MelamedWARNING: Mammograms may do more harm than good according to leading experts... and The American Cancer Society agrees. Thermography is the answer. In this interview with Dr Philip & Liesha Getson, you will learn TRUTH about Mammograms and…
Read MoreBC-043 Director of Community Outreach, Debra Melamed speaks with Regional Sales Director of Foundation Medicine, Amy Macalintal about their comprehensive genomic profiling tests
2018-10-16 | Author: BeatCancer.orgThese tests are for people with a cancer diagnosis that are considering chemotherapy, have had traditional treatment that has failed them, or for someone who has had a reoccurrence. Their tests detect genomic alterations on cancer tumor cells’…
Read MoreBC-042 Debra Melamed discusses Erin Ley’s victory with lymphoma and her 21 speaker summit, Thrive Onward and Upward With Cancer
2018-04-24 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgSurvivor, mentor, and advocate Erin Ley was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma at the age of 25. She was given a grim prognosis and told she would never have children. She is here today at the age of 52,…
Read MoreBC-041 Debra Melamed discusses Avinoam Lerner’s 6 week online Cancer Wellness Mastery Program
2018-03-20 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgTEDx speaker, author, and cancer recovery specialist Avinoam Lerner has a thriving practice in the Boston area. His innovative approach to healing is based on the fact that cancer is a whole body process. Treatment only applied to…
Read MoreBC-040 Beat Cancer’s Debra Melamed interviews Dr. Peter Osborne, The Gluten Free Warrior and Author of No Grain No Pain on Autoimmunity and Cancer
2017-12-21 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgDr. Peter Osborne, often referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior”, is one of the most sought after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. He is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land Texas…
Read MoreBC-039 BeatCancer’s Debra Melamed interviews Ryan Sternagel, founder of My Kid Cures Cancer
2017-12-09 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgJoin us for this podcast, and learn about: How to trust your intuition as a parent when making decisions regarding your child’s health. Alternative methods that were successful for their son Ryder. Methods of implementing alternative treatments with…
Read MoreBC-038 Debra Melamed interviews Cherie Calbom – The Juice Lady on the healing benefits of juicing
2017-12-04 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgCherie Calbom, M.S. is a leading authority on nutrition, souping, juicing and detoxification. Known as The Juice Lady, George Foreman’s nutritionist, TV chef and celebrity nutritionist, she has helped in pioneering the fresh juice movement around the world. Now she’s…
Read MoreBC-033 Debbie Melamed Interviews Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics and Cancer
2017-09-06 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgBruce Lipton, Ph.D began his scientific career as a stem cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine…
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