Dear Dr. Silberstein,
Thank you for all the work you have done to provide excellent information and support to people fighting cancer and the people who support them as well as individuals who seek to live a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer and other debilitating diseases.
My husband Dave and I have been speaking with Dr. Randi Shayne over the past few weeks. It has been a great encouragement. We have learned lots about nutrition and its importance in being healthy. We have made huge changes in our diet and my husband is learning that this is a lifestyle change.
We really appreciate the support we have received and are sending in a $500 membership to support C.A.C.E. and its continued efforts in helping people with cancer.
Annette S. and Dave C.
[NOTE from Editor: CACE is Center for Advancement in Cancer Education AKA: BeatCancer.Org]
Annette S. and Dave C.
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Chris P.
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For BeatCancer.org‘s small group of volunteers and our overworked and underpaid staff, sometimes the only thing that keeps us going is receiving letters like this one! We thank DW of Woodland Park, Colorado, for allowing us to share this letter with you:
Dear Susan:
In May of 2010 I developed a mild sore throat and a small lump on my neck that I thought was from a cold. Little did I know that two weeks later I would be told that I had stage 4, diffuse large B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That began a journey of numerous blood tests, a lymph node biopsy, CT scans, a bone marrow biopsy, an EKG, chest X-rays, and of course a visit to the oncologist. This is where I learned three things: 1) Place your faith in the Lord because we do not control the outcome of our life; 2) Doctors know about treatment only; and 3) Nutrition is an essential factor in both withstanding the effects of chemo and radiation treatment and in recovery.
Thanks to you Susan and your organizationBeatCancer.orgthe unknowns of what item 3 really means were well covered. Without your support and guidance, I would have been easily discouraged by the doctor… It’s amazing to me how little doctors know of what role nutrition can play in cancer prevention and treatment and also in recovery from the devastating effects that chemotherapy has on your immune system. Your guidance in finding resources…and also your knowledge and compassion for supporting me at a time filled with great fear and despair are beyond just a mere thanks.
I often…have the opportunity to share with others my journey, and you and your organization are one of the first places I point people to. It has been two and one half years now since I finished chemo and radiation and I am cancer free. Not only was I cancer free at the end of treatment, but my immune system was completely normal. I am thankful for the Lord’s miraculous healing hand in my life and the support and guidance you gave me.
DW of Woodland Park, Colorado
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Luanne H.
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Pat S.
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