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Coffee Enemas: Helping the Body Detoxify

2017-05-13 | Author: Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.
coffee enema is it safe

Appearing in medical writings as far back as ancient Egyptian documents, enemas have been used for centuries to relieve constipation, detoxify the body, and improve general health and well-being. More…

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Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation Supports Novel Cancer Research

2017-05-09 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
women's health initiatives foundation donation

Last week I had the honor of keynoting for the Women’s Health Initiatives Foundation Wellness Symposium held at the Shaker Run GolfClub in Lebanon, Ohio. My hostesses, Lyn Hogrefe, MS…

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Chemo Can Cause Long-Term Immune System Damage

2017-05-08 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Chemotherapy Drugs

A study published last year in Breast Cancer Research confirmed something that I had long suspected: namely, that, in addition to suppressing immunity during cancer treatment, chemotherapy can actually cause…

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Cancer and Fasting

2017-04-25 | Author: Mauris Emeka
intermittent fasting graphic

In the early part of the last century, before the extensive use of pharmaceutical drugs, fasting played a vital role in healing. The process of fasting has long been considered…

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BC-031 Debbie Melamed interviews Suzy Griswold on her thyroid cancer diagnosis and how that led her to start Healing Strong

2017-04-18 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
suzy griswold

Suzy was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 8 years ago.  Having a background in public health and research, she followed the traditional route of a thyroidectomy and radiation, wanting to do…

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Cancer Can Be Killed Naturally

2017-04-17 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
kerry witzeman

One of the trending stories this week was actually written in October 2015 by Jeff Witzeman about his wife’s successful natural treatment for aggressive squamous cell bladder cancer. Although Kerry’s…

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5 Cancer Fighting Foods to Add to Your Diet Today

2017-04-10 | Author: Amelia Robert
5 Cancer-Fighting Foods - Cancer Fighting Vegetable Pic - Beat Cancer Blog

Cancer is one of the biggest medical problems facing us today, largely because there is just so much we don’t understand about it yet. While some causes can be identified…

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Cancer: Friend, Foe or Messenger?

2017-04-07 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
woman posing for picture

I am pleased to announce that I will be giving an interview as part of a terrific new online cancer course called Cancer – Friend, Foe, Messenger. To my delight,…

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Papaya Leaves – A Powerful Cure for Cancer?

2017-04-03 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Papaya Leaf

This article is based on a 2013 post by Dr. Paul Haider which was recently shared with me by Cancer’s Best Medicine author Mauris Emeka. When Mauris learned about these…

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Which is the Real Killer: Cancer or Chemo?

2017-04-02 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Doctor injecting drug into patient

As I have said for decades, cancer patients die more from their treatments than from their cancers. New research from the United Kingdom in part proves that point. Thanks to…

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