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Panchakarma Files Chapter 1

2015-01-29 | Author: Shabel, Founder

After speaking with many Doctors of Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS) and other people in India, I’ve decided to begin Panchakarma treatment with Dr. G.Vijayan. He worked for decades at the Government…

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Health Hazards of E-Cigarettes

2015-01-26 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
e-cigarette woman smoker- Beat Cancer Blog

Are you a smoker who has tried to kick the habit? Have you moved to e-cigarettes as a safer alternative? Or are you a non-smoker who believes this trend can…

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Benign Breast Disease: Good or Bad News?

2015-01-22 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
benign breast disease - Beat Cancer Blog

You may feel like celebrating if your biopsy for breast cancer came back negative, but you’d best make that a short celebration. Among all the advice one reads about for…

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Cassandra: Cancer and the Mature Minor Doctrine

2015-01-16 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Cassandra - Beat Cancer Blog

A 17-year-old Connecticut girl recently diagnosed with cancer who refused to undergo chemotherapy was removed from her home by state child welfare authorities in November. For the last two months,…

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National and International Cancer Coaching

2015-01-15 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
woman-wearing-headset - Beat Cancer Counseling - Holistic Cancer Coach

Besides the educational information gathered by the approximately 200,000 individuals who visited our website from all over the world in 2014, is proud to have provided telephone coaching to…

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Stuart Scott (1965-2015)

2015-01-09 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
stuart scott

Another hero loses the fight. On Jan. 4, Stuart Scott, the charming ESPN sports anchor whose catchphrases are now part of the American football and basketball vernacular, lost a long…

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Review: Cancer and Random Genes: Fortune Favors the Prepared

2015-01-08 | Author: Dr. David Katz
dr. david katz

A recent study in Science purportedly demonstrated that cancer is more random than previously thought. This, predictably, has led to high-profile publications in mainstream media suggesting that cancer results more from "bad luck" than factors…

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Green Tea for Health

2014-12-12 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Dr. Lee's Green Tea - Tea for Health - Beat Cancer Blog

Many of you know that I recommend green tea as part of an anti-cancer dietary plan. But not just any green tea. While generally pleasant, harmless, and possibly of health…

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Proud of Our 2014 Accomplishments

2014-12-10 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Susan Silberstein PhD BeatCancer.Org Center for Advancement in Cancer Education

As another year comes to an end, my colleagues and I at are proud to let you know about our exciting accomplishments during the past 12 months. When I…

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Please welcome our newest partner… The Carla Rose Foundation

2014-12-09 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
The Carla Rose Foundation Logo - Beat Cancer Blog

The Carla Rose Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization in Spartanburg, South Carolina, raises funds and provides payment assistance to holistic cancer treatment clinics for cancer patients.The founder has a personal stake…

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