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How different generations handle breast cancer (radio interview)

2014-05-19 | Author: Shabel, Founder

This radio interview with founder Lexie Shabel on her parent’s radio program, from May 19th, 2014 discusses the current state of breast cancer worldwide. Her parents share their experience of…

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14 Cancers Caused by Smoking: Quit now, while you’re ahead!

2014-05-10 | Author: Dr. Steven Rosenberg
14 Cancers Caused by Smoking -Beat Cancer Smoking - Beat Cancer Blog

Smoking is one of the leading causes of death globally. Smoking causes a number of health problems and conditions and harms nearly every organ of the body. Smoking increases your…

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BC-003: Top 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs

2014-05-08 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Top 5 Cancer-Causing Foods - GMO-CORN - Beat Cancer Blog

An interview with Susan Silberstein, PhD Eddie Miller, host of the “Ask the Expert Teleseminar Series,” interviewed Susan Silberstein on the Dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).  Miller formerly served…

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Cancer Support Network Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein Cancer’s Just a Word, Not a Sentence

2014-05-04 | Author: Elyn Jacobs
Cancer Support network logo - Beat Cancer Blog

Cancer Support Network Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein Elyn Jacobs and her guest host Sharon Roth-Lichtenfeld recently invited founder Susan Silberstein to be interviewed on the Cancer Support Network show…

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BC-001: Dr. Kelly Turner: Radical Remission

2014-05-01 | Author: Carl Wagner
Dr. Kelly Turner: Radical Remission - Beat Cancer Blog

A candid and personal talk with Dr. Kelly Turner. New York Times best-selling author of Radical Remission, as well as a researcher and speaker. Listen in as we discuss a few…

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BC-002: Top 10 Reasons Not to Microwave: Podcast

2014-05-01 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
microwave cancer - Beat Cancer Blog

In an interview with Susan Silberstein, PhD, Eddie Miller, host of the “Ask the Expert Teleseminar Series” interviewed Susan Silberstein on the dangers of microwaving.  Microwaving changes the chemical bonding…

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Can Stress Cause Cancer? Part 2

2014-04-29 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Can Stress Cause Cancer - Beat Cancer Blog

In my first blog on stress and cancer , I discussed research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) which links the body’s nervous system,endocrine system, and immune system to cancer.…

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Thermography: Safe Early Detection of Breast Cancer Video Lecture by Dr. Philip Getson

2014-04-24 | Author: Dr. Philip Getson

Safe Early Detection of Breast Cancer Video Lecture by Dr. Philip Getson Philip Getson, D.O. is a Board-Certified Family Physician and Board-Certified Thermologist practicing in New Jersey. He is a…

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Can Stress Cause Cancer?

2014-04-23 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Can Stress Cause Cancer - Beat Cancer Blog

Does stress cause cancer? Perhaps not directly, but stress can greatly disturb the delicate balance of body chemistry necessary for cancer protection, especially if it is ongoing for a long…

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The Race to Cure Cancer or the Race to Get Truth?

2014-04-02 | Author: Tami Hulcher, CNC
The Race to Cure Cancer

As I sat back and watched the Chicago Bears (what happened to your offensive line?) and NY Giants NFL game …, I could hardly contain myself at the ‘pink breast cancer…

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