BeatCancer Minute: 3 reasons why most people do not die from their cancer.
June 1, 2014 | Author: developer2Transcription: "Now why is nutrition so important? Because most cancer patients don't die from their tumors. They die of malnutrition, toxemia, and or opportunistic infections. Proper nutrition can address all…
Read MorePredict Your Cancer Risk with 9 Questions
May 29, 2014 | Author: developer2
This week’s May 23 issue of NBC News carried a headline article by health writer Linda Carroll entitled 9 Simple Questions That May Predict Your Heart Disease or Cancer…
Read MoreCancer Soy Controversy
May 19, 2014 | Author: developer2Cancer Soy Controversy Transcription from Lecture, Fight Cancer with your Fork: “To soy or not to soy, that is the question. If we had three more weeks, we could probably get…
Read MoreCancer Support Network Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein Cancer’s Just a Word, Not a Sentence
May 4, 2014 | Author: developer2
Cancer Support Network Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein Elyn Jacobs and her guest host Sharon Roth-Lichtenfeld recently invited founder Susan Silberstein to be interviewed on the Cancer Support Network show…
Read MoreCan Stress Cause Cancer? Part 2
April 29, 2014 | Author: developer2
In my first blog on stress and cancer , I discussed research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) which links the body’s nervous system,endocrine system, and immune system to cancer.…
Read MoreCan Stress Cause Cancer?
April 23, 2014 | Author: developer2
Does stress cause cancer? Perhaps not directly, but stress can greatly disturb the delicate balance of body chemistry necessary for cancer protection, especially if it is ongoing for a long…
Read MoreDr Mitchell Gaynor: Getting to the Root Cause of Cancer
March 22, 2014 | Author: developer2
Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. is Founder and President of Gaynor Integrative Oncology, Assistant Attending Physician at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical…
Read MoreTypes of Cancer Made Simple
March 10, 2014 | Author: developer2Although there are hundreds of different types of cancer, malignancies generally fall into five basic categories: carcinomas, sarcomas, myelomas, lymphomas, and leukemias. (more…)
Read MoreDr James Belanger: Eating to Beat Cancer
February 21, 2014 | Author: developer2
Interview: Elyn Jacobs with Dr. James Belanger Naturopathic Doctor Dr James Belanger: Eating to Beat Cancer : Click Here to Download Dr. James Belanger, who himself recovered from cancer using…
Read MoreCancer Fighting Foods: Dr. Candace Corson Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein
February 14, 2014 | Author: developer2
Dr. Candace Corson Interviews Dr. Susan Silberstein: Listen Here Candace Corson, MD, a Yale University-trained family medicine physician from South Bend, Indiana, recently collaborated with me on a telephone interview…
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