Breast Cancer Tumor Almost Gone?

2012-11-27 Shabel, Founder

[ Lexi Legacy Post BreastWishesFund ]

Once again, I am finding Indian teachers who point me to health. I’ve been doing homeopathy with Eagle and the tumor gets smaller and smaller. I use Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan’s method of plussing. This involves adding a few drops of the homeopathic remedy into a bottle w/ @1/3rd cup water, then, drinking capfuls of it, putting it in my water glass, redosing my self throughout the day.

It’s the like curing like theory, anti-biotics, have a tiny dose of the infecting menace. In this case, it’s more the energetics of the remedy and presto! Cancer Free baby! I’ll go get another ultrasound in a month or so though feel this is the medical cure I’ve been seeking. Now I want to make a homeopathic remedy with my own diseased tissue and see what that does.

In my more recent fervor for a medical quest for a cure, Dr. Shimon Slavin in Israel was a gateway. He’s’ working with stem cells, taking diseased tissue/blood out of a breast cancer, introducing it to someone else’s non-cancerous cells, putting that back in the cancer body. I don’t feel confident having just anyone’s tissue, so intimate. The Issells clinic in Tijuana makes vaccines for your body with your stem cells, ranging from $30,000-$50,000, @ the lines of Dr. Burzynski price tag. When I sit down with the options, they feel like trumped up urine therapy. Yeah, pee, drink it, you’ll be cured of every ailment. So why do we need to spend $50,000 to essentially drink someone else’s pee that’s been sterilized and shoot it through IV’s ? Safety. Right. Money, the business of Cancer. Did I mention the difference in price? Free, kinda’ grosss, my own juju or $50,000, chance it will work, lots of hospital scenes and poking.

Hmmmm…. or, Homeopathy! I am taking the diseased tissue of someone’s liver, nosode as it’s referred to cure my diseased tissue. I was on another remedy that was from a cancerous breast and was feeling very black, depressed. Eagle put me on this liver nosode instead, and a version of pokeweed, alternating between the two. I’d always been intrigued by pokeweed. I’ve heard of it being used as a poultice to extract cancerous breast tumors. I’d like to go back to the other breast nosode remedy in a few months, see what layer of myself it can heal. Perhaps with the gangways cleared, it will go deeper and thus, set me free.

Yes, free, Cancer Free. I am thinking this way, beyond cure, my life with out cancer. I don’t want it, certainly don’t need it in my life anymore. I have learned your difficult and wise lessons and I am ready to move forward, Cancer Free.