The Taj Mahal, Udaipur City Palace, and Ayurveda Treatments
2014-01-14 Shabel, FounderAs I complete the second to last day of five massages, I’m entering the final third of this process. I’m tired, physically and emotionally though I have pressed myself harder than one would if in a strict hospital facility. Even writing now on the computer is not advised, the goal of Panchakarma(PK), to clear the mind completely as well as the body. A difficult aspect of this has been ocean deprivation as I will call it. I cheated one day and got in the water completely, beckoning me like a Siren. Other days I’ve been walking in the ocean at sunset when I go for a walk after making prayers at the local temple.
My understanding is that sun is bad for this process as is cold water because it shuts down the neurological system and can create arthritis. Adding to my rules I sprained my big toe on the one day off of PK when I went to the local city Trivandrum. My PK Dr. G. Vijayan is quite skilled at broken bones as I saw him putting on a leg cast today. He has been painfully massaging my toe with a special oil, wrapping it tightly with gauze and instructing me to not get it wet. AAKkk! Â No more wet ocean feet.
Oils for PK
Unfortunately I contracted a bad cold the day of vamana, making nasal clearing difficult though the nasyam provided a brief relief. Warmed, medicated oil massaged on my face and chest, then hot towels pressed on my face and chest. Next, lay down with massive amounts of oil sniffed through each nasal passage until I needed to expectorate which I did many times into a sink. I have had mucus-caked on my septum in my nose for years and as a result of this and possibly the vamana, I currently don’t have that.
After a hot rinse with soap, I have something to eat then come back for two days of tailem or medicated oil basti. Tomorrow I will have the kshaya or herbal water decoction enema after my last day of massage. There will be two more of those after two more days of tailem basti for a total of seven enemas. I have had chronic constipation and hope this process will retrain my body to evacuate without the use of internal and external assistance.
Kirzy –medicated pouches
After the last of five massages will be five days of Kirzy which are herbed pouches including turmeric, coconut and ones specific to my health concerns. These canvas hand-wrapped pouches are heated in herbed oil and pounded into me. All of these processes are to force toxins into my GI tract which are released through the enemas, leaving me clean as a baby, inside and out!