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Colon Cancer

Fundraising for Cancer Prevention Education

July 29, 2014 | Author: developer2
Fundraising for Cancer Prevention Education -Jake Derr Fundraiser-3 - Beat Cancer Blog

In the past three weeks, my Juice Plus+ team and I have sponsored Juice Plus+ booths at two county fairs and a local town celebration. We thought it was an…

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Financial Support for Cancer Patients

July 22, 2014 | Author: developer2
Holistic-cancer-coaching - Beat Cancer Blog

Dr. Randi Shayne, Director of Patient Services, and I are pleased to share this brief update highlighting ten financially-challenged patients who contacted us last fall from all over the country. …

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Dr. Susan Silberstein Interview on WDIY FM Radio “Take Charge of Your Life” Podcast

July 21, 2014 | Author: developer2
Susan Silberstein PhD

Family therapist Eleanor Bobrow speaks with Dr. Susan Silberstein, PhD Founder and Educational Director of Listen in to this uplifting interview as they discuss: Exciting cancer patient stories of hope…

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Cancer — The Need for a Paradigm Shift

July 16, 2014 | Author: developer2

Malignant tumors are commonly referred to as ‘the cancer’. But in truth, these tumors are symptoms of cancer; and in reality cancer is the process that gives rise to malignant…

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Can Stress Cause Cancer? Part 3

July 5, 2014 | Author: developer2
Can Stress Cause Cancer - Beat Cancer Blog

Stress and cancer are connected via every organ system. In previous blogs, I talked about the effect of stress on immunity, nervous system function,hormone balance, and digestion, and how those…

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Fats and Cancer: Part Three

July 1, 2014 | Author: developer2

In my previous blog in this series, I discussed some good and bad aspects of saturated fats, but even more relevant to our cancer risk is which unsaturated fats we…

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Fats and Cancer: Part Two

June 25, 2014 | Author: developer2
Cut of fresh salmon - Beat Cancer Blog

Are fats good or bad for you? The answer is YES -- it depends on the type.  Salmon is a great example.  All salmon is rich in protective omega-3 fats,…

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Eat Butter? Cancer and Fats: Part One

June 23, 2014 | Author: developer2
Cancer and Fats - Beat Cancer Blog

Today’s June 23 cover story of Time Magazine, “Eat Butter,” may shock you! It explains why scientists were wrong when they labeled fat the culprit in America’s health crisis.  Americans…

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Ben and Jerry’s GMO Food Fight

June 21, 2014 | Author: developer2
Ben and Jerry's GMO Food Fight - Beat Cancer Blog

Last month, Vermont became the first state in the nation to require that all foods produced with genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) be labeled as such. Finally! Genetically modified organisms are…

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BeatCancer Minute: Cancer Deaths Avoidable by Dietary Changes

June 20, 2014 | Author: developer2

<br /> Cancer Deaths Avoidable Through Dietary Change. The most comprehensive study of diet, health and disease ever completed concluded that the transition in China from the traditional Asian plant-based…

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