A Message from Susan Silberstein
2018-03-20 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
To my patients, professional colleagues and friends, Thank you so much for your expressions of concern and well wishes. I am sorry that I took so long to acknowledge them,…
Read MoreDebra Melamed and Avinoam Lerner discuss emotional empowerment and his 6 week Cancer Wellness Mastery program
2018-03-14 | Author: BeatCancer.OrgCancer is a whole body process. When treatment is done to the physical body it separates us from the nonphysical, and we are more than just flesh. We are real…
Read MoreThe Ketogenic Diet and Metabolic Therapies for Cancer
2018-03-13 | Author: Debra Melamed
First of all let’s just be clear, cancer is one disease, not 100 different diseases. No matter where cancer originates in the body there is one common process. And that…
Read MoreTips For Exercising During Cancer Treatment
2018-03-05 | Author: Jack Fleming
Cancer is the uncontrollable and abnormal growth of cells. Being a cancer survivor, one should be really careful about his/her diet and exercise to heal from cancer. As per The…
Read MoreBC-040 Beat Cancer’s Debra Melamed interviews Dr. Peter Osborne, The Gluten Free Warrior and Author of No Grain No Pain on Autoimmunity and Cancer
2017-12-21 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Dr. Peter Osborne, often referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior”, is one of the most sought after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. He is the clinical director…
Read MoreHow Can You Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer?
2017-12-14 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer to affect women, second only to skin cancer. A breast cancer diagnosis can feel like a death sentence. Hearing those gut-wrenching words––…
Read MoreHealing from Cancer and “Dis-ease” with Reiki
2017-12-09 | Author: Kerry Hardy RN, HNB-BC, RMT, CCH
The wonderful healing properties of Reiki know no boundaries. In the world of energy, quantum physics principles have proven that there is no such thing as time or space. Therefore,…
Read MoreBC-039 BeatCancer’s Debra Melamed interviews Ryan Sternagel, founder of My Kid Cures Cancer
2017-12-09 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Join us for this podcast, and learn about: How to trust your intuition as a parent when making decisions regarding your child’s health. Alternative methods that were successful for their…
Read MoreBC-038 Debra Melamed interviews Cherie Calbom – The Juice Lady on the healing benefits of juicing
2017-12-04 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Cherie Calbom, M.S. is a leading authority on nutrition, souping, juicing and detoxification. Known as The Juice Lady, George Foreman’s nutritionist, TV chef and celebrity nutritionist, she has helped in pioneering the…
Read MoreDoes Medicare Cover Alternative or Complementary Care for Cancer Patients?
2017-12-02 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
In general Medicare’s coverage of cancer treatment is pretty thorough. Standard chemotherapy and radiation treatment have been covered for many years. These days we even have coverage for oral chemotherapy…
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