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Breast Cancer

Benign Breast Disease: Good or Bad News?

January 22, 2015 | Author: developer2
benign breast disease - Beat Cancer Blog

You may feel like celebrating if your biopsy for breast cancer came back negative, but you’d best make that a short celebration. Among all the advice one reads about for…

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Cassandra: Cancer and the Mature Minor Doctrine

January 16, 2015 | Author: developer2
Cassandra - Beat Cancer Blog

A 17-year-old Connecticut girl recently diagnosed with cancer who refused to undergo chemotherapy was removed from her home by state child welfare authorities in November. For the last two months,…

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Green Tea for Health

December 12, 2014 | Author: developer2
Dr. Lee's Green Tea - Tea for Health - Beat Cancer Blog

Many of you know that I recommend green tea as part of an anti-cancer dietary plan. But not just any green tea. While generally pleasant, harmless, and possibly of health…

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Please welcome our newest partner… The Carla Rose Foundation

December 9, 2014 | Author: developer2
The Carla Rose Foundation Logo - Beat Cancer Blog

The Carla Rose Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization in Spartanburg, South Carolina, raises funds and provides payment assistance to holistic cancer treatment clinics for cancer patients.The founder has a personal stake…

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Diem Brown, Cancer Warrior

November 20, 2014 | Author: developer2
diem brown - Beat Cancer Blog

A few weeks ago I wrote about Brittany Maynard , who chose to end her life in the face of terminal brain cancer at the age of 29. A few…

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Can A Ketogenic Diet Cure Cancer?

| Author: developer2
cancer as a metabolic disease book - Beat Cancer Blog

Over the years, there have been many diets purported to provide the cancer solution: The Grape Cure Diet, the Gerson Diet, the Hallelujah Diet, the Macrobiotic Diet, the Paleolithic Diet,…

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6 Ways Saunas Help Fight Cancer – Part Four

November 17, 2014 | Author: developer2
Saunas Help Fight Cancer -sauna-male pic- Beat Cancer Blog

In previous blogs, I discussed many anti-cancer benefits of saunas, including direct cancer cell death, improved circulation, toxin elimination, weight loss, and immune activation. Now I want to talk about…

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BeatCancer and The National Smoke Out

November 14, 2014 | Author: developer2
Preston-n-Steve-WMMR- Beat Cancer Blog

Renowned hypnotherapist Dr. Steven Rosenberg, Ph.D. will raise awareness for the Annual National Smoke Out and in his mission to help people lead a healthier life by quitting smoking.…

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6 Ways Saunas Help Fight Cancer – Part Three

November 12, 2014 | Author: developer2
Saunas Help Fight Cancer -sauna-female pic- Beat Cancer Blog

In previous blogs about cancer and saunas, I wrote about their role in direct cancer cell death, improved circulation/oxygenation, and elimination of toxins. Now I want to discuss two more…

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Prevention is the Cure

November 10, 2014 | Author: developer2
Prevention is the Cure Shirts

Some wonderful supporters have come our way! Jake Derr and her Juice Plus+ Team in Nebraska have come up with a creative fundraiser for – and you can support…

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