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Uncategorized Produces Results in Oklahoma!

August 14, 2015 | Author: developer2
oklahoma billboard - Beat Cancer Blog

You may have noticed a press release we published last February about our upcoming four-day series of free public programs on healthy eating to prevent obesity and cancer in Oklahoma. Well, it’s…

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GMOs – Your Right to “No”

July 29, 2015 | Author: developer2
GMO-food-danger - Beat Cancer Blog

In 1996, Canada approved the commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), paving the way for GMO commercialization worldwide. This approval, however, was granted with very little knowledge of how these…

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Sunscreen, Cancer and Vitamin D – What Are the Facts?

June 30, 2015 | Author: developer2
female sunbather on the beach

Summer has arrived, and with it come sunny afternoons on the beach or at the pool. As we reach for that tube of suntan lotion, we may find ourselves hesitating…

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What Causes Ovarian Cancer – Part 3

June 22, 2015 | Author: developer2
no dairy cow

I have already written about two relatively unknown risk factors for ovarian cancer. Here is the third:  Since June is National Dairy Month, you are likely to notice heavy marketing…

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Sandie B’s Story: 20 Years of Ovarian Cancer Survival

May 10, 2015 | Author: developer2
sandie b

14,000 women in the US die of ovarian cancer each year. But a diagnosis of ovarian cancer does not necessarily mean you will die of the disease. We know of many…

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What Causes Ovarian Cancer – Part 2

May 6, 2015 | Author: developer2
beat ovarian cancer

In my first article in this series, I discussed various risk factors for ovarian cancer – both those that are commonly recognized and those that are not so well known…

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What Causes Ovarian Cancer?

May 1, 2015 | Author: developer2
ovarian cancer diagram

According to the Mayo Clinic website, “It's not clear what causes ovarian cancer.” Admitted WebMD, “Experts don't know exactly what causes ovarian cancer.” And the American Cancer Society website states,…

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10 Things I learned in the Hospital – Part Two

February 28, 2015 | Author: developer2
nurses- Beat Cancer Blog

If you read my previous blog, you know that I recently had surgery for a strangulated ovary and that I wrote about the first five things I learned while in…

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10 Things I learned in the Hospital – Part One

February 25, 2015 | Author: developer2
emergency-room - Beat Cancer Blog

My life fortunately has been devoid of hospital stays. Other than being born in one and having a tonsillectomy as a young kid, the only other time I was ever…

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A Curse and a Blessing

February 13, 2015 | Author: developer2
Susan Silberstein and-babies- Beat Cancer Blog

February 12 is an infamous date in my life. Thirty-eight years ago today, on Feb. 12, 1977, my young husband Harvey Silberstein died of cancer and the ravages of his…

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