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Mycotoxins That Can Affect Your Cancer Risk

2017-07-31 | Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Mycotoxins That Can Affect Your Cancer Risk - Dr. Veronique - Mold Pic

You may have heard about the negative effects of the molds lurking behind your walls or even on your food. But do you know about mycotoxins? According to the National…

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The Legacy of Jackie Kennedy

2017-07-28 | Author: Diane Perlman, PhD
jackie kennedy

[Editor’s Note: Today, July 28, would have been Jackie Kennedy Onassis’ 88th birthday. In actuality, the widow of our assassinated President John F. Kennedy died of lymphatic cancer in 1994…

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Busted: Common Myths About Cancer and Diet

2017-07-28 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Myths About Cancer and Diet - Beans Healthy Eating Pic - BeatCancer Blog

We understand there’s a great deal of conflicting information about nutrition out there, especially when it comes to cancer. There are certain beliefs about how cancer starts and spreads, but…

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Talking to your Doctor about Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2017-07-24 | Author: Laurel Felsenfeld, RN, BSN, CRRN, CCM
doctor talking to patient

In a 2012 study of over 65,000 cancer patients in 18 countries, the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use was over 40% for all studies, with the highest…

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Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Creator of the German New Medicine

2017-07-20 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
dr ryke deerd hamer

A few weeks ago, another giant in the field of biological cancer therapy transitioned to the world of Spirit. On July 2nd, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, originator of "The German…

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Breast Cancer Screening with Medical Thermology

2017-07-18 | Author: Philip Hoekstra, PhD
thermagram of womans chest

Forty years after the declaration of the War on Cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer for women and second only to lung cancer as the leading…

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Avoiding Animal Products: Can a Vegan Diet Help Prevent Cancer?

2017-07-14 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Avoiding Animal Products: Can a Vegan Diet Help Prevent Cancer? - Happy Couple Eating

Only five to ten percent of cancer is genetic . That means that the other 90 to 95 percent is solely based on lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors. Unfortunately, what…

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Nervines: Plant-Based Essential Oils that Can Help You Beat Stress

2017-07-13 | Author: Veronique DeSaulniers
Plant-Based Essential Oils that Can Help You Beat Stress -essential oil diffusers Pic

Plants and flowers that have a proven track record of balancing the nervous system are called “nervines,” and essential oils made from them can be your real friend when you…

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Chemo May Spread Breast Cancer and Trigger More Aggressive Tumors

2017-07-11 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
blood vessel doorways

I have written about the dangers of chemotherapy before. A study published last year in Breast Cancer Research confirmed that, in addition to suppressing immunity during cancer treatment, chemotherapy can…

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BC-036 Debbie Melamed Interviews Missie Mellen on the use of Reiki, Thermal Therapy and Essential Oils as Part of Pain Management and Complementary Therapies

2017-07-06 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
mind body and soul written in the sand

Missie began her career as an RN. While working in the operating room she pulled the ligaments on her right side. Unable to find relief through medication she began researching…

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