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Traditional Chinese Medicine: It’s about More than Just Acupuncture

2017-03-28 | Author: Veronique Desaulniers
Traditional Chinese Medicine: It’s about More than Just Acupuncture Pic

You may have experienced an acupuncture session and know about the many healing benefits it can have for cancer protection (if you haven’t yet, I urge you to give it…

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How to Prevent Testicular Cancer

2017-03-28 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
testicular cancer fact infographic

Testicular cancer is a highly curable cancer that develops in the part of the male reproductive system known as the testes. Testicular cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in…

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Beta Glucan and Cancer

2017-03-26 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
the cancer fighting immune boosting compound

What are Beta Glucans? Beta glucans are naturally occurring fibers made up of polysaccharides (multiple sugars joined together). These chains of glucose molecules are principle constituents of the cell walls…

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BC-030 Debbie Melamed Interviews Verne Verona on the 10 Essential Traits of a Self-Healing Person

2017-03-21 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
verne verona

Verne Varona, author of Nature's Cancer Fighting Foods and Macrobiotics for Dummies joins us to share the 10 Essential Traits of a Self-Healing Person.  Verne is an internationally renowned keynote…

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Vitamin D: The Greatest Cancer Fighter?

2017-03-15 | Author: Dr.Veronica Collings
vitamin D foods

The most powerful cancer protection ever discovered is naturally-occurring vitamin D. One study published in Cancer Biomarkers and Prevention found that low vitamin D significantly increases overall cancer risk. (1)…

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Dramatic Rise in Colorectal Cancer and How to Lower Your Risk

2017-03-06 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
colorectoral cancer rates rise in gen x and millennials

Did you know that that colorectal cancer is the second most deadly cancer in the United States? March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and there are some new statistics…

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BC-029 Debbie Melamed Interviews Cortney Campbell – Anti-Cancer Mom

2017-03-06 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
courtney sitting in a garden

At the age of 26, Cortney was diagnosed with a rare Stage 2 NLP (nodular lymphocyte-predominant) Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Facing chemotherapy and radiation with a possible side effect of infertility, Cortney…

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Ginger: Ten Thousand Times More Effective Than Chemo for Breast Cancer Stem Cells

2017-03-05 | Author: Veronique Desaulniers
Ginger: Ten Thousand Times More Effective Than Chemo for Breast Cancer Stem Cells - Pic

A recent study conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology in India discovered something amazing about ginger. The researchers compared how a particular substance found in ginger root compared…

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Become a Ambassador!

2017-03-01 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
susan silberstien using an orange megaphone

Many of the wonderful people I have met on my lecture tours around the US and beyond have expressed interest in helping by becoming our Ambassadors. The goal of…

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Food as Medicine: A Modern Day Hippocrates

2017-02-18 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Ana Negrón Holisitic Cancer Coach

Ana M. Negron, MD, is a still, small voice for sanity, softness, and simplicity in medicine. Author of Nourishing the Body and Recovering Health: The Positive Science of Food, she…

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