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New GMO Labeling Law: Good News and Bad

2016-07-17 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
GMO-label - Beat Cancer Blog

Congress just passed a GMO labeling bill on Thursday, and nobody's really happy about it. At first, I was excited to hear of the legislation requiring food companies to disclose…

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Galectin-3: Biomarker and Target in Prostate Cancer

2016-07-13 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
galectin-3- Beat Cancer Blog

In my last article on prostate cancer, I discussed the pros and cons of PSA testing. Now I want to talk about another tumor marker which, if elevated, can be…

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Bill Henderson: Beating Cancer Gently

2016-07-11 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
bill henderson cancer author - Beat Cancer Blog

Farewell to another great contributor to the field of non-toxic cancer therapy.  On July 4, Bill Henderson, a member of the Advisory Panel, died at the age of 84. …

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The PSA Test for Prostate Cancer

2016-07-10 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Postate Cancer PSA Test

For many years, the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test was regarded as the gold standard biomarker for assessing prostate cancer and prostate health. However, research now demonstrates that regular PSA…

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Bitter Melon Extract Kills Breast Cancer

2016-07-04 | Author: Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Bitter Melon Extract Kills Breast Cancer -Bitter melon Pic- Beat Cancer Blog

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a vegetable that is common in kitchens all over Asia and is also used for medicinal purposes in China, India, Central America and elsewhere around…

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Curcumin and Cancer – Part Two

2016-07-01 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Curcumin and Cancer - curcumin caps pic - Beat Cancer Blog

In an earlier post, I discussed the fact that curcumin has been found to be one of the most powerful natural compounds for impacting cancer growth, and I summarized the…

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Are Genes Destiny? Epigenetics and Cancer

2016-06-29 | Author: Consuelo Reyes

“Falling for this myth could give you cancer.” “Your habits are more important than your genes.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola It’s a depressing thought – the idea that regardless of…

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Graviola (Soursop): Anti-Cancer Superfood?

2016-06-27 | Author: Nabanita Biswas
Graviola (Soursop): Anti-Cancer Superfood -graviola fruit pic - Beat Cancer Blog

For years, cancer treatment has been a widely debated topic in the medical community. Because of the harmful and painful side effects of traditional cancer therapies, namely chemotherapy and radiation,…

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Cancer, Polio & Immunotherapy

2016-06-25 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Cancer Polio and immunotherapy - Beat Cancer Blog

I recently wrote about intensified research interest in cancer immunotherapy spearheaded by the new Parker Institute. In a similar vein, just over a year ago, in March of 2015, CBS-Evening…

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Hacking Cancer with Immunotherapy

2016-06-13 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Sean Parker - Beat Cancer Blog

Hats off to Sean Parker, the first president of Facebook (played by Justin Timberlake in the award-winning film “The Social Network”): The entrepreneur and philanthropist has just launched a $250…

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