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Healthiest Cooking Oils

2015-11-20 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
cooking-oils - Beat Cancer Blog

A few months ago, on July 29, the British Broadcasting Channel aired a special report on the healthiest cooking oils, as researched by scientists at De Montfort University in Leicester,…

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Diet and Cancer Survivors

2015-11-16 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Diet and Cancer Survivors - Beat Cancer Blog

A new Tufts University study published a couple of weeks ago in the journal Cancer found that cancer survivors aren’t eating as well as they should. Big surprise! These patients…

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Mitchell Gaynor, 59, Integrative Oncologist

2015-11-15 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Mitch Gaynor - Beat Cancer Blog

It seems that in the last few months we’ve been blogging about the deaths of famous doctors, holistic oncologists, and other important people in the field of complementary and alternative…

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Processed Meat Causes Cancer

2015-10-28 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Processed Meat

You’ve probably heard the news: A group of World Health Organization experts just announced that consumption of processed meat (such as bacon, sausage, deli meats and hot dogs) positively causes…

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The Benefits of Beet Kvass

2015-10-26 | Author: Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
The Benefits of Beet Kvass for Cancer Patients - Beets Pic

In ancient times, populations in Europe drank beer or wine in order to avoid disease brought on by contaminated water. In the North, people drank kvass, a fermented tonic traditionally…

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It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month AGAIN!

2015-10-24 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - NO Pink Ribbon Pic

I am completely jaded with all the same-old, same-old breast cancer awareness that is hyped ad nauseum each October.  Awareness is only valuable if it leads to power, but most…

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Verde Juice Cleanse Kits

2015-10-16 | Author: Shabel, Founder

Verde Juice Blog with BWF Founder Lexie Shabel here! Thank you Verde for your support by contributing a portion from your cleanse kits to Breast Wishes Fund this October.

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Fermented Foods and Cancer

2015-10-09 | Author: Julia Greenwald
pickeled veggies - Beat Cancer Blog

Bread, yogurt, sauerkraut, cheese, vinegar, and beer. What do all of these foods have in common? All of the above (and many other foods) are fermented. Fermented foods have recently…

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Cancer Healing Your Way

2015-10-04 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Healing Your Way - Beat Cancer Blog

Three years ago, when our Board of Directors decided to move the headquarters from our 35-year home on Philadelphia’s Main Line to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, I wasn’t sure it…

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Cracking the Cancer Code: How Selenium Fights Cancer

2015-10-02 | Author: Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
How Selenium Fights Cancer -nuts-1 Pic - Beat Cancer Blog

A study conducted through the University of Copenhagen, Demark has made an exciting discovery about the healing power of selenium. It has long been known that this trace mineral is…

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