YES, You Can REALLY Prevent Cancer With A Plant-Based Diet!!!
2012-12-23 | Author: Dr. Jacquilen Tomas-Ali, ND
Can you prevent cancer with a cancer prevention diet? Science says.... 1. Vegetables (organic; raw or frozen) such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, artichokes, dark green leafy vegetables (kale, Swiss chard,…
Read MoreCancer-Fighting Fruits and their Cancer-Fighting Properties
2012-12-18 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
According to research, the more fruit a teenage girl eats, the stronger her bones become. In a study on bone density, the girls who ate the most fruit had higher…
Read MoreThe Cancer-Fighting Vegetables that Should be Top of your List!
2012-12-11 | Author: Judith DeCava, CNC, LNC
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, and turnips) contain indoles, isothiocyanates, glucosinolates, and other compounds that may provide protection against various cancers. The dark…
Read MoreBest Fruits and Vegetables to Eat
2012-11-30 | Author: Judith DeCava, CNC, LNC.
Consider the betaine in foods like spinach, beets, whole wheat, whole sugar cane, and seafood. Betaine protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. A deficiency of methyl donors like…
Read MoreDeficiency vs Imbalance: The Natural Toxins in Food
2012-11-27 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Studies consistency show that whole foods help prevent or control chronic degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease. For every daily-serving increase of vegetables or fruit, there is about a four percent…
Read MoreBreast Cancer Tumor Almost Gone?
2012-11-27 | Author: Shabel, Founder[ Lexi Legacy Post BreastWishesFund ] Once again, I am finding Indian teachers who point me to health. I’ve been doing homeopathy with Eagle and the tumor gets smaller and…
Read MoreFractionated Nutrients vs Whole Foods
2012-11-26 | Author: Judith DeCava, CNC, LNC
Foods nourish. And foods heal. Healing properties of foods continue to be discovered. Yet most scientists hold to a drug model: If foods are good for you, then we must…
Read MoreRediagnosis-Metastasis
2012-11-25 | Author: Shabel, FounderRediagnosis The ultrasound report reads that the tumor mass has doubled in size in the last year and is now spreading through the ducts of my right breast. I’m not…
Read MoreHealthy Gut=Cancer Free?
2012-11-25 | Author: Shabel, FounderComing up on three months since cleansing and fasting with Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Health, I remain @ 15 pounds lighter with consistent progress towards “cracking my…
Read MoreRadiation from CT Scan is Responsible for Almost 30,000 Cancers Each Year!
2012-11-08 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
USA Today reported on two research studies published in the December 15 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine revealing that CT scans deliver far more radiation than previously believed. In…
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