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Brain Cancer

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Little Known Sources of EMF Toxins

August 8, 2015 | Author: developer2
Electro Magnetic Frequencies - EMF Toxins and Cancer - Pic of COmputer and Mobile Phone

Electro Magnetic Frequencies, electro-pollution, EMFs: the danger of these invisible toxins produced as byproducts of our electronic-crazed world is nothing new. For years now, scientists have linked EMFs to diseases…

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Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Holistic Oncologist

July 27, 2015 | Author: developer2
Dr Nicholas Gonzalez - Beat Cancer Blog

Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, famed nutritional cancer treatment specialist, died suddenly of a cerebrovascular incident on July 21. “The world has lost a true hero”…. wrote Ty Bollinger. Jonathan Landsman of Natural…

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What Are Your Chances of Getting Cancer?

July 21, 2015 | Author: developer2
Risk of Being Diagnosed with Cancer Starts with Your Plate

A few days ago a supporter wrote, “My teammate shared this image on Facebook and got slammed by someone calling it ‘misinformed,’’misleading’ and ‘junk science.’ I have no idea where…

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BC-011: Dr. Susan Silberstein interviews 17-year stage IV brain tumor survivor Richard Wiebe on his secret for success.

July 19, 2015 | Author: developer2
Richard Wiebe - Beat Cancer Blog

Seventeen years ago, Richard Wiebe was diagnosed with a deadly stage IV brain tumor known as glioblastoma multiforme, an extremely aggressive disease with a five-year survival rate of only one to…

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BC-010 Dr. Susan Silberstein interviews world-renowned biochemist and China Study Author Dr. T. Colin Campbell

| Author: developer2

It is a pleasure to share this interview with my long-term colleague Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a specialist in researching the effects of diet on health. Professor Emeritus of Nutritional…

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Magnesium Deficiency and Cancer

July 12, 2015 | Author: developer2

As our regular readers know, we rarely write about isolated, fractionated nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. We favor instead the essential synergy of thousands of phytonutrients that function together in…

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Fasting , Cancer and Immunity

July 9, 2015 | Author: developer2
Fasting Cancer and Immunity - Bean on Plate - Beat Cancer Blog

Fasting is defined as “the abstinence of food for a specific period of time.” It is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years in every culture.…

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Can Vitamin C Cure Cancer?

June 11, 2015 | Author: developer2
Oranges - Beat Cancer Blog

You’ve heard about intravenous therapy (drip therapy) to deliver medication, but could high-dose intravenous (IV) infusion of something as ubiquitous as vitamin C slow or cure cancer? Decades of research…

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Beware: Cancer Charity Scam

May 22, 2015 | Author: developer2
Guidestar-logo - Beat Cancer Blog

Two days ago the Federal Trade Commission, in conjunction with the attorneys general of all 50 states, filed lawsuits against four cancer charities for nationwide fraud. Over a five-year period,…

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Does Red Meat Cause Cancer?

May 14, 2015 | Author: developer2
steak-on-grill - Beat Cancer Blog

Perhaps you have heard that eating meat – particularly red meat and processed meat — can cause cancer. But what meats are the most dangerous, how severe are the risks,…

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