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Can Coloring Your Hair Lead to Cancer?

2016-10-13 | Author: Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Can Coloring Your Hair Lead to Cancer? - Beat Cancer Blog - Hair Dye Pic

Roughly 75 % of all women and men in the United States, Europe and Japan color their hair in some form, and the majority do it on a regular basis…

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FDA Attacks Nutritional Supplements – Again

2016-10-10 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
nutritional supplements - Beat Cancer Blog

A few weeks ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its latest guidelines for the nutritional supplement industry, and the news is not good for health-conscious consumers. In response…

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The Healing Power of Nature

2016-10-07 | Author: Karin Marcus, MA
Karin Marcus Beat Cancer Holisitic Cancer Coach

Nature has always been a source of comfort and peace. Even as a little girl, whenever I was upset, I’d run into the welcoming woods behind our home, climb my…

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6 Ways to Stimulate Your Lymphatic System

2016-09-29 | Author: Leonard Parker
lymphatic system 01 - Beat Cancer Blog

A healthy lymphatic system keeps your body in optimal condition and is a critical component of your immune system. A dysfunctional lymph system makes you weaker, more vulnerable to disease,…

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The Cancer Moonshot 2020 initiative

2016-09-14 | Author: Sarah Wallace
Joe Biden The Cancer Moonshot

Cancer Moonshot 2020 Before doing what was thought to be impossible, Neil Armstrong said, “I think we're going to the moon because it’s in the nature of the human being…

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Essiac Tea for Cancer

2016-09-12 | Author: Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Essiac Tea - Beat Cancer Blog

While cancer patients in the Western world spend millions of dollars each year on traditional “slash, burn and poison” treatments, there have been powerful natural protocols (and natural medicine practitioners)…

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Flying and Aerotoxic Syndrome

2016-09-11 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
aerotoxic syndrome - Beat Cancer Blog

Thanks to my grueling travel schedule all year, I finally accumulated enough frequent flyer miles for me and my husband to fly roundtrip to Amsterdam the end of August. Then,…

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BC-021 Susan Silberstein interviews Dr. Helayne Waldman on What Cancer Survivors Need Most

2016-09-09 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Renew Logo - Beat Cancer Blog

Dr. Helayne Waldman, EdD, CNE, is an oncology nutrition expert and certified nutrition educator in private practice in Oakland, California. A teacher for over 25 years, she is currently on…

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Honokiol Extract and Integrative Cancer Treatment

2016-08-17 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
magnolia-honokiol - Beat Cancer Blog

Medicinal plants are known to be the source of many common pharmaceuticals. Drugs derived from the plant kingdom include aspirin from white willow, digitalis from foxglove, morphine from poppy, and…

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BC-020 Susan Silberstein interviews Dr. Millie Lytle on Eating for Meaning

2016-08-15 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Millie Lytle - Beat Cancer Blog

Dr. Millie Lytle, ND, MPH, CNC, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Nutrition Specialist in practice in New York City as a member of Tournesol Wellness’ Primary Care Team.…

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