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Medical Acupuncture – A Holistic Approach to Cancer Therapy

2016-05-02 | Author: Nabanita Biswas
Acupuncture-Treatment-Cancer-5 - Beat Cancer Blog

Most of you are familiar with the general concept of a mind-body holistic approach to cancer. There are many aspects of the holistic approach to cancer care, such as a…

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BC-017 Debbie Melamed interviews cancer hypnotherapist Avinoam Lerner on the power of the mind and how it can be your greatest ally in cancer recovery.

2016-04-26 | Author: Debbie Melamed
New Cancer Paradigm Book Avinoam Lerner - Beat Cancer Blog

Avinoam Lerner is an innovative author, holistic health coach, and complementary medicine practitioner specializing in cancer recovery. He works with patients to strengthen their innate immune response through approaches such…

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Vitamin C and Cancer – Part One

2016-04-20 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD

Research has shown that high concentrations of vitamin C can stop the growth of, or even kill, a wide range of cancer cells. Because the molecular shape of vitamin C…

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BC-016 Dr. Susan Silberstein interviews Jenny Hrbacek, RN, on Safe, Effective Early Cancer Detection and Monitoring Tests

2016-04-19 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Jenny Hrbacek RN - Beat Cancer Blog

Despite annual checkups, negative mammograms, and clean bills of health, Jenny was diagnosed with invasive ductal breast carcinoma in 2009. After undergoing a double mastectomy, achieving clear surgical margins, taking…

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Cancer, Candida, and Sugar

2016-04-18 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD

You may have read my previous blogs about cancer and sugar. Here’s one more: Some scientists think there is a connection between cancer and a yeast or fungal overgrowth known as…

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Marijuana – Medical Breakthrough or Carcinogenic Agent?

2016-04-14 | Author: Nabanita Biswas
Marijuana Medical Breakthrough or Carcinogenic Agent -Marijuana-plant-2 Pic - Beat Cancer Blog

What is marijuana to you? For me, I have always known marijuana as a drug, a substance that intoxicates you! Hence, I have kept away from it. Anything and everything…

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Bad Carbs Can Double Cancer Risk

2016-04-13 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
good carbs vs bad carbs-2 - Beat Cancer Blog

As many of my readers have noticed, I have written two previous articles about sugar and cancer. My second blog included several recent research studies linking the two.  Well, here’s another:…

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Powerful Peaceful Professional Summit

2016-03-31 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Powerful-Peaceful-Professional-Graphic - Beat Cancer Blog

Have you ever… Hoped to create vibrant health but just couldn’t turn the corner? Felt stressed and burned out and just wanted to break free from it all? Wanted to…

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5 Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Cancer

2016-03-26 | Author: Shalini Sahni
Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Cancer - healthy-living pic - Beat Cancer Blog

A new study published in the journal Nature states that the majority of cancers (70-90%) are caused by lifestyle and environmental factors [1] and not by the "bad luck" of…

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Cancer Survivorship: A Nutritionist’s Perspective

2016-03-24 | Author: Helayne Waldman, MS, EdD
Whole Food Guide Waldman - Beat Cancer Blog

What happens when cancer treatments end?  Many folks describe the feeling as one of abandonment, of falling off a cliff into what’s supposed to be a new “normal.”  But for…

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